Monday, March 29, 2010

Sam I am a St. Louis Ram

Gil Brandt is reporting that, in his opinion, Sam Bradford had the most impressive private workout "for a quarterback since Troy Aikman." We all know how that worked out.

Brandt stated in his blog, "Bradford threw more than 100 passes during the workout and, in my estimation, didn’t have one that was uncatchable. He moved around well, including throwing on the run out of the pocket, and went through the entire route tree. The scripted workout included three-, five- and seven-step drops, shotgun, and play-action plays, plus sprints and rollouts to both sides."

I hope that Rams' fans are excited. He is one of the most accurate college quarterbacks I have seen (at least up there with Troy Aikman and Drew Brees). There is nothing that makes a draft more juicy than having a quarterback at the top of it.

This positive media coverage is not going to make it easier to convince the Rams' fans that Ndamukong Suh should be the No. 1 pick. This is a quarterback driven league, and Sam Braford made himself and his family a lot of money today.

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