Thursday, March 25, 2010

Get Ya Popcorn Ready

I'm watching The Blind Side tonight. For those of you who are football fans and haven't seen The Blind Side: shame on you. For those of you who aren't football fans: what are you doing on this blog anyway?

All jokes aside, I love a cheesy, “overcoming all the odds”, sports movie, and The Blind Side is one of the better ones I've seen. As far as football movies go, it ranks up there with North Dallas Forty, Rudy, Brian's Song, and Remember the Titans.

I think sometimes that we become desensitized to the fact that this is a story about real people. It may have not happened exactly the way it appeared on the screen, but it doesn't make it any less real. If you still have a beating heart, this movie will make you think about what you do have and maybe worry a little less about what you don't have.

And no, Warner Brothers did not pay me to write this thing.

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