Monday, March 29, 2010

Later than Sooner

Despite Sam Bradford's flawless workout, the Rams are not done playing NFL Draft poker.

Through some mysterious coincidence, Chris Mortensen of ESPN reported, right before Bradford's workout today, that the Rams don't intend to have Bradford's private workout with the team until April 19th, only three days before the draft. The article also states that the Redskins are working out Bradford on April 15th. 

This is typical draft posturing by the Rams. They are leaving open the possibility of Washington falling in love with Bradford. They could then orchestrate a trade, and the Rams would still end up with a premium pick (number four overall), and some extra picks to help out a roster thin on talent. 

I doubt this trade scenario will occur, but it is nice strategy on the Rams' part to keep their options open.

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