Friday, March 26, 2010

Reputation Sapped

Ladies and gentleman, I have some breaking news. Bad things can happen while you are out "in da club" (50-cent pun fully intended).

Just ask Warren Sapp after being falsely accused of choking, punching, and slapping around a female "acquaintance" after a night of hanging out on February 6, 2010.  He was then thrown in jail and was "suspended" from his duties as a television host for the NFL Network.

Two days ago he was exonerated of all charges, and the NFL Network was going to meet with his agent. I don't know if the dropping of the charges is going to remove the stain from Sapp's reputation, fair or not.

I'm not suggesting that people can no longer go out and have a good time. I just want to know: what happened to the old saying "beware of the company you keep"?

They say things come in threes, first Ben Roethlisberger, now Warren Sapp. Who's next..............Adam "Pacman" Jones?

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