Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Post Season Overtime Doesn't Rule

 Yesterday the NFL owners approved new post season overtime rules to make it “more fair”. They decided that because field goal kickers are so good now, teams can no longer win by initially kicking a field goal. I don't want to bore you with the details, but the change was a bit of a pacifier.

I happen to agree with Mike Golic's opinion (Every Morning Quarterback is not liable for any brain damage caused by listening to Merril Hoge) that overtime should be an extension of the regulation game like it is in baseball and basketball.

Making special rules to give everybody the ball is bit much like the “give everybody a trophy” attitude that is sweeping through youth sports. The problem is this is THE NFL. These guys are great athletes and make enough money to handle “extra innings”. Give them an overtime that they deserve.

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