Sunday, April 4, 2010

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

The Donovan McNabb trade news is coming in at a fast and furious pace. Mike Shanahan has made a statement on the trade to make it official.

Shanahan said how great McNabb is and how he is happy to have him. No shocker there. It is his job to make it sound like the Redskins came out on top in this deal.

Did the Redskins come out winners? We have to have a trade to which we can compare. If we use the 2008 Brett Favre trade as an example, a 4th rounder for Favre to go to a different conference compared to McNabb's deal that sent a 2nd round and a 3rd or 4th rounder to an intradivision team is not as great a value.

To keep things in prospective though, it was a small miracle that Washington was able to make the trade in the first place. Teams trading within the division is a criminal act in fantasy football, let alone real football.

The Eagles now have another draft pick for 2010 (that gives them 12 picks), and McNabb's replacement in tow.

It would be premature of either side to claim victory in this trade. In the ever changing world of NFL football, perception is just as important as reality.

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