Friday, April 2, 2010

LT "Charges" Turner

Ladainian Tomlinson is happy to be a New York Jet. It seems he might be a bit more unhappy about not being a Charger anymore. Much of his unhappiness seems to be focused at Chargers' Head Coach, Norv Turner.                                          

In an interview with ESPN, Tomlinson said,
"The things that happened in San Diego, everything was taken away from me.  There wasn't an emphasis on running the football anymore, my best fullback was gone, the linemen were pass blocking, and it was a passing quarterback and a passing coach. So, the situation's kind of misleading when you look on film."

In the five or six Chargers games I watched from last season, the team didn't run the ball well on first down. This forced the team to abandon the run and go to the pass more as the games progressed. Even while leading games, they couldn't muster much in the run game.

That would seem to strengthen Tomlinson's point. The ironic part of this accusation is that Turner was Offensive Coordinator on one of the most successful "run first" teams in history with the Cowboys of the early 1990's. If Tomlinson was still as good as ever, wouldn't Turner ride Tomlinson like he rode Emmitt Smith?

The only way Ladainian can prove the Chargers were wrong is to show it on the field. Tomlinson is a positive and professional man, so I hope he can use his feelings of rejection as motivation and prove he still is "LT".

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